Eye Tests

Expert Eye Tests

Exceptional Eye Tests & Examinations in Pinner

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Professional Eye Care & Examinations

Regular eye examinations are vital and the sooner that issues with your vision are detected, the greater the chance of a successful outcome. The results of any eye exam do not only relate to your vision, but they also can reveal underlying health issues like High blood pressure and Diabetes as well as eye related conditions like Cataract and Glaucoma.

At iCare Opticians Pinner, your eyesight and eye health are paramount. Innovative technology combined with our clinical expertise ensures that we can deliver clear results about the health and condition of your eyes. Lifestyle discussions allows us to recommend and advise on the best eyewear, spectacle lenses or suggestions on the use of eye drops and improvements in eye hygiene if needed.

At iCare Opticians, we carry out both private and NHS sight tests along with children’s eye examinations. To see whether you are entitled to an NHS eye examination, click  here.
Children's Eye Care

Retinal Photography

Located inside and at the back of the eye, the retina can reveal early warning signs of serious conditions including macular degeneration, diabetes, glaucoma, retinal and vitreous detachments. 

Our fundus camera captures high resolution images allowing early detection of any potential eye conditions and retinal diseases. The pictures are taken along side your eye examination and the test is fast, pain free and nothing touches the eyes.

Dry Eye Consultations

Do your eyes feel itchy and gritty? Or maybe they water excessively? Are they red, sore and uncomfortable? Does staring at your computer makes your eyes feel gritty ? Do you wake up with sore eyes? You are not alone.

You may have dry eyes (yes, even if they water – this can be due to underlying dryness issues).

Here at iCare Opticians we are able to carry out specialised eye examinations investigating dry eye symptoms, and provide you with a suitable treatment plan. During a dry eye assessment we carefully discuss your concerns and carry out a detailed observation of your eyes. 

Dry eyes can be caused by several different reasons including poor production of either the water or oily layer of the tears, or poor drainage of the tears away from the eyes.

Following a full dry eye assessment we will design a tailored management plan just for you to help ease your symptoms. 

Dry eyes are often linked to other eyelid conditions such as Meibomian Gland Dysfunction and Blepharitis.

There are many treatment options to manage dry eyes, meibomian gland dysfunction and blepharitis and prevent future flair ups. 

You do not have to live with dry eyes, if you have any of the following symptoms, dry , gritty, watery, itchy burning or light sensitivity to name a few, you may have dry eye syndrome and will benefit from booking in for a dry eye consultation with us .

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